Choosing fabrics for a quilt is something that many people would like to do, but lack confidence for. They are not sure why the colours that looked good in the shop don’t seem to give the result they hoped for.
The key is to be able to use contrast as well as colour.
In this online video workshop, I demonstrate how to identify the relative value of fabric samples, and how choosing different combinations can create different moods for your patchwork. Scrap quilts are discussed, as well as selecting just a few fabrics for a quilt.
Because you have access to the video for as long as you want, you can take your time, taking breaks or going back to watch sections again if you wish. The recording lasts for about 50 minutes in total.
At various points during the video, you will be invited to stop the recording, and try out these techniques with a selection from your own stash, learning how to select fabrics that could work together in your quilts.
Purchasing this product will give you access to the video link.
Please note that you will only be able to download the document with the link twice. So decide which device you are planning to use to view the video, and download onto that. You can then open the document and use that link to watch as many times as you like.
This video course is also available split into 5 sequenced lessons on the UKQU website
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